Whether your school is new to fundraising or simply busy navigating the school year, you may think you are out of time to conduct a year-end campaign. Don’t skip this great opportunity to boost your bottom line! Approximately 30% of all annual giving occurs in December, and around 10% occurs in the last three days. It’s not too late to launch a year-end campaign. Here are five tips to help you maximize your results.

1.   Cast A Wide Net

Your fundraising efforts shouldn’t stop at currently enrolled families. Consider inviting your broader community to support your school – including local businesses, grandparents, alumni, and community leaders. Ask your staff, volunteers, and school leadership to share campaign news with their contacts by emailing your appeal letter, forwarding school newsletters, and liking social media posts – you may be surprised at who steps up with a gift!

2.   Set A Deadline

Gifts to public charter schools are typically tax-deductible as long as no goods or services are exchanged. Year-end fundraising appeals generally set a deadline of December 31 (or sooner!) to maximize donors’ tax deductions during the calendar year. Set a deadline for your campaign, and be sure to let your families know by what date they need to make their gift. It adds some urgency to the campaign, and they’ll respond in a timely way.

3.   Keep It Simple

Busy parents have so many messages coming at them via email, snail mail, and social media. When writing your appeal letter, be sure to keep it streamlined and simple. A one-page mailed or emailed letter should include recent highlights and a clear request for support. Don’t overwhelm your readers with too many statistics or stories – a few well-chosen anecdotes will go a long way in reminding your parents why they love your school and why they should support it with a gift. 

4.   Ask For What You Need

Do you need help finishing your playground? New microscopes for your science classroom? School supplies for families in need? Or simply general support to make your school stand out as an excellent center for learning? Don’t make your families guess what your needs are – clearly outline what their gift will support and the impact that it will make on your students.

5.   Don’t Forget to Say Thank You

Once your campaign ends, reach out to your donors with a personalized letter to say thank you. It’s a great way to let them know they are valued and appreciated members of your school community. Include your school’s IRS tax identification number and the amount and date of their gift to help them at tax-filing time. And don’t forget to report on the outcome of your campaign on school social media and your website. Your donors – and you – should be proud of the results!

Additional Resources

K-12 Fundraising Tips:

Easy School Fundraising Ideas:

Fundraising Letter Writing Tips:

School Fundraising Event Ideas:

Need fundraising help?

Looking for ways to grow your fundraising efforts? Grow Schools partners with our clients to help them meet their contributed revenue goals and plan for the future. Our fundraising team brings a deep knowledge of designing, launching, and growing fundraising campaigns for schools of all sizes. Interested in learning more? Contact us today and see how Grow Schools can help maximize your fundraising efforts!

About the Author

Mara Winke, CFRE, has over 20 years of experience as a professional fundraising consultant for charter, public and international schools. Mara helps her clients maximize their contributed revenue through campaign strategy and analysis, annual and capital campaigns, grant research and writing, and Board and volunteer training. She enjoys running and reading Scandinavian mysteries and is an avid hockey mom.

News from us today: Charter School Capital has a new name. Say hello to Grow Schools!

A Legacy of Support

For 17 years, we’ve forged long-term relationships with schools—offering them sustaining, holistic support. We offer schools financial support, partner with schools on the path to building ownership, and help them reach their enrollment goals. We also offer a range of resources and expert guidance to help schools thrive as they grow. Over the years, we’ve been honored to build meaningful, long-term relationships with the schools we serve—raising $3 billion to help 900+ schools flourish, and getting 3+ million kids access a nurturing school environment.

As schools’ needs evolve, we evolve our support—and we needed a name to reflect that dynamic. As we brainstormed what to call ourselves, we were driven by the desire to better express the depth and breadth of our solutions for schools; we wanted a name that better reflected our values, our mission, and our dedication to school success.

Time for a Change

The name Grow Schools points directly to our vision: that all kids have access to a nurturing school environment where they can thrive. Our new name also reflects our mission: to help school leaders get where they’re going with the money, resources, and know-how to create thriving schools. 

Don’t miss our new case studies, where you’ll find inspiring stories of school leaders like Craig Cason, Executive Director and Founder of DuBois Integrity Academy, or Dr. Ramona Bishop, Visionary, President, and CEO of Elite Public Schools. You’ll find stories of schools getting the resources they need to thrive—dive into those stories now.

We’re excited to step into this next chapter alongside the amazing school leaders we serve. We look forward to serving you as Grow Schools with the same holistic support we’ve always provided.

Here’s the next 17 years and beyond. From all of us at Grow Schools, thank you—and let’s go!

Effective enrollment marketing is an investment in the long term. It’s comparable to planting a tree; the effort and care you invest early on can result in a thriving canopy of students for years to come. By focusing on strategies that span multiple enrollment seasons, schools can establish a foundation that builds a strong and sustainable school community.

Adopt a strategic marketing tailored to your unique offerings. Enrollment marketing isn’t just about spreading awareness; it’s about communicating why your school is the ideal choice for students and their families. You’ll need to go beyond word of mouth.

Here are some tips for developing a long-term enrollment strategy that helps your school achieve its mission.

Focus on retention.

Focus on both attracting new students and retaining existing ones to create a balanced, long-term enrollment marketing strategy.

Adapt to challenges.

Be sure to stay updated with enrollment trends in the ever-changing educational landscape. Pay special attention to difficulties in regaining enrollment at specific grade levels, such as the third grade, indicating the long-term impact of the pandemic on student retention.

Be thoughtful about your online presence.

Use video content as a dynamic tool for engagement on platforms like TikTok and YouTube to create awareness and interest. For new schools, community engagement and early advocacy are pivotal to building interest and a solid foundation. Ensure your school’s website is compelling, informative, and sparks curiosity among prospective students and their families.

Build a strong Board.

Carefully consider board governance and the composition of your board of directors, especially during the formative stages of a charter school. Having community influencers and parents with significant influence on the board can be a powerful catalyst in promoting your school and fostering community engagement.

Dive Deeper: Watch the Discussion

Ashley McQuarrie and Tony Solorzano joined Michael Barber to discuss these strategies in more depth and touch on social media as a tool for raising awareness. Watch the full video below.

Note: YouTube had an issue with sound for the first five minutes. The speakers were able to recap what they covered once sound was restored.

Reach Your Goals with Digital Marketing

Achieve your enrollment goals through digital marketing. Raise awareness, fundraise, meet enrollment targets, and create a diverse network of champions that will nurture your school over the long term. Check out this free resource here.

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Somehow, it’s October already. With all the back-to-school activities, September went by so quickly, and now it feels like the holiday season and a brand new year are just around the corner. And that means new opportunities and, of course, new challenges when it comes to attracting families to your school.

My advice? Don’t wait. The earlier you kickstart your enrollment efforts, the more time you have to connect with families and build those fantastic partnerships. Whether you’re teaming up with external partners or managing things in-house, early planning can make all the difference.

This week, I spoke on YouTube Live about what school leaders can be thinking about right now in terms of enrollment. You can watch that chat below and read on for your tips for October.

Local Engagement and Open Houses

First things first—think local! Engaging with your community is a powerful way to connect with prospective families. Consider hosting open houses, whether in-person or virtual, that give folks a sneak peek into your school’s world. Let them experience your unique educational approach and soak in your school’s warm and welcoming vibe. Your local newspapers can also spread the word about your open houses, and having informative materials ready to go can make sure folks really get what your school is all about.

Community Partnerships

Collaborating with community organizations can be a game-changer. Good options are the Boys and Girls Clubs or YMCA—these organizations have some great networks that can help you reach families you might have missed otherwise. Check out local community-based organizations, too. They’re often hidden gems when it comes to expanding your reach.

Use Video

Videos are your secret sauce, allowing you to authentically showcase your school. You don’t need to be a professional videographer to make videos—simple, genuine, and heartfelt clips can resonate deeply with potential families.

Capture those special moments in your school’s calendar—especially the first day of school—and create video montages that tell your school’s story.

Word of Mouth

Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. You can learn more about enrollment marketing partnerships here.

Last but not least, think about word of mouth. Positive recommendations from your current school community can carry a lot of weight. Encourage people to share their stories, and consider hosting events where families can invite friends and family to get to know your school better.

Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way. You can learn more about enrollment marketing partnerships here.

Tony Solorzano is passionate about helping charter schools thrive in their communities and achieve their enrollment goals. Learn more about Tony here.

The decision to buy or expand a school is a pivotal moment in the life of any school. It represents an opportunity for growth, stability, and the chance to provide an ideal learning environment for students.

However, in today’s educational landscape, this decision is not without its challenges. Let’s explore why timing is everything when it comes to buying your school—we’ll discuss how to stay informed, how to collaborate with your team, and how to make decisions that align with your school’s mission and vision.

Reasons to Buy Your School

Buying your school building allows institutions to become a beacon of stability in your community, providing a sense of permanence and reliability. Building ownership can also be a sound financial investment, building wealth over time. Lastly, school ownership can give you autonomy over your facility, enabling improvements and expansion as your school grows.

Despite these compelling reasons, many charter leaders face a challenging reality: the need for more space while grappling with budget constraints.

The Market Realities – Today’s School Buying Landscape

An increasing number of charter schools are seeking to grow and buy properties.

However, several market dynamics complicate this process:

  • It’s a Seller’s Market: Sellers are holding onto properties, often with high price expectations, making it challenging for buyers to find suitable options at the right price.
  • Supply Chain Delays: Disruptions in the labor market and supply chains have led to delays and increased construction costs.
  • Fluctuating Costs: Construction costs have seen fluctuations, with prices varying significantly even within a short period.
  • Funding Challenges: Securing funding at reasonable rates can be increasingly challenging, requiring creative financing solutions.

Given these challenges, charter school leaders must adopt strategic approaches to address their space needs without breaking the bank.

Strategic Approaches

When it comes to obtaining school facilities, school leaders can explore various paths: stay in your current space, pursue ownership of your school facility, or undertake new construction to create a custom learning environment. As you consider these options, here’s how to get creative.

  • Phase Construction: Consider phased construction or renovation projects to manage costs effectively.
  • Optimize Space: Reimagine your ideal school space, determining the precise amount needed to fulfill your mission.
  • Explore Alternatives: Consider renting out unused space or repurposing existing facilities to generate funds.
  • Stay Informed: Keep a close eye on market conditions and be prepared to act when the timing aligns with your school’s needs.

Several key metrics can guide your decision-making process:

  • Average Daily Attendance (ADA): Aim for at least 80% of your ADA to ensure your facility meets your student population’s needs.
  • Rent to Revenue Ratio: Ensure your revenue is at least 5-6 times higher than your lease costs, providing financial stability.
  • Coverage Ratio: Manage expenses so that your net income is at least 120% of your lease costs, securing financial health.
How to Get Started—Early!

When you’re ready to make the move, the key will be to start early. Create a realistic timeline for your expansion project, keeping in mind that these projects often take longer than anticipated. Build in flexibility and contingencies to avoid unnecessary delays. See the timeline below for an idea of how far in advance to plan. You’ll also want to time building or buying for minimal disruption to learning. ​

  • Conduct a Building Audit: Conduct an annual school audit to assess your facility’s condition and its ability to meet your needs.
  • Anticipate Future Costs: Consider future maintenance costs, energy efficiency, and your school’s growth plans.
  • Review Your Contracts: Review lease agreements and contracts for lease expiration dates and compliance with regulations like Prop 39.
Gc Building Timeline Condensed
Make an Ideal Space Plan

If buying is the best option, create an ideal space plan aligned with your school’s mission and growth objectives.


  • What spaces are needed to address your mission?​
  • How many classrooms do you need?​
  • How many bathrooms?​
  • What about hallways, office space?​
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Ready to align your dreams with your budget? Learn more with a free download of Buy Your School. In this guide, you’ll find information about the school building marketplace, the planning process, and the four primary funding structures that charter schools use to finance facilities: cash, banks, bonds, and long-term leases.

In this session, licensed mental health professional Caroline Poland joined us to answer questions on supporting teachers. She gave tips for supporting teacher mental health and well-being, including understanding the neurological aspects of trauma, practicing active listening, and fostering a positive school culture.

Join the experts as they answer all your questions live on Tuesdays on YouTube at 10am PT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET.

Read Full Transcript :

Michael Barber:
Hi, everybody. And welcome back to Tuesday Tips. I’m Michael Barber. We’ll welcome all our school leaders back as we talk about the biggest challenges facing school leaders. And today, we’ve got one of the biggest that we hear all the time and continues to be a challenge for school leaders, and that is mental health. Specifically, we’re welcoming back Caroline Poland, who joined us last week at our webinar on all things teacher mental health and wellbeing. And Caroline’s graciously come back to allow us to ask a few more questions on that webinar and have a chat of what’s coming up in the next few weeks as we tackle student mental health. So Caroline, welcome to Tuesday Tips. Thanks for joining us.
Caroline Poland:
Thank you. It’s great to be here.
Michael Barber:
Great to have you back again. So let’s hop right into the questions. By the way, if this is your first time here at Tuesday Tips, we’re here every Tuesday at 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern on our YouTube channel. We keep this chat to about 10 minutes, although I’m guessing today, based on not only just the expertise we have in the room, but some of the questions that we’ve got, we might go a little over. So maybe we’ll keep it to try and keep ourselves to 15 or so minutes, but we’ll do our best. So we’ll start with this first question. And this really gets, I think, at the heart of our conversation we had last week. But the question is this, how can understanding the neurological aspects of trauma inform a school leader’s approach to teacher wellbeing?
Caroline Poland:
That’s a great question. We’re going to talk a little bit more in detail about that next time, but I think understanding the neurobiology of trauma, what’s happening in our bodies and our nervous system when we experience a threat or a perception of any potential threat is really important because it allows us to make sense of behaviors that we’re seeing, or on the student end misbehaviors, disobedience, that we might on the surface label as one issue that underneath the surface is a very different story. So when we can understand the story as it’s being told by someone individually instead of what our perception is on the surface, then we’re better able to meet them with where they’re at and walk alongside them in their journeys. We don’t all need the same thing in a work environment. Our safety and threat perception is different. And so for school leaders, supervisors to be able to understand that each person that you supervise is different and be able to create something a little bit different for each person is really helpful in supporting their wellbeing and understanding, again, the story underneath the surface.
Michael Barber:
Yeah. You talked a lot about during our webinar the idea of listening, and that for a lot of us listening is an activity. How we define listening is not actually what listening should be, right?
Caroline Poland:
Michael Barber:
Can you unpack that a little bit? Because I think that’s important to the context of this question on the idea of actually listening versus just listening, if you will.
Caroline Poland:
Right, right. So I introduced that with a quote by Stephen Covey, not verbatim, but the biggest issue in communication is that we listen to reply and not listen to understand. And so listening can be a very passive process or it can be a very active process. And anytime we’re in a supervisory role or relationships in general, we want to be engaged in very active listening where we’re listening to understand the story underneath the story. And that comes not through our defensive replies or trying to just get our point across over and over, but really sitting back, taking on that stance of a really curious observer, you’re playing detective. So you’re flipping over every stone and saying, “I’m really going to listen to what you are saying so I can understand what this story actually is.” And then be able to better understand what we need to do moving forward to fix whatever the issue is or solve the problem. And so-
Michael Barber:
Caroline Poland:
… that’s the open-ended questions, reflections, affirmations, all of that.
Michael Barber:
Yeah, such good insights there. One of the things you also focused on during the webinar was the idea of culture and how it’s set from the top down. And we talked a lot about the impact of principals and school leaders and their impact on culture. I’m just wondering if you could reflect again on some of the steps that school leaders can take to actively shape that culture inside of their schools.
Caroline Poland:
Yeah. Yeah, research supports very strongly that idea that the top of organizations, principals really set the culture for everyone in the school, and that includes well-being. And so there’s several different ways that you can go about doing that. First, you want to really consider what those guiding values are of your organization. Those values and the vision that we have is the true north. And if we can focus on true north and everything that we’re doing is pointing to that, then we’re not going to lose our way. But when we take our eyes off of that vision or those values, we lose what our north is and then we can lose ourselves in the water, so to speak. And really it gets kind of confusing and takes us further away from where we want to be. So also, remember that we have to be in our regulated nervous system, our prefrontal cortex in order to hold to our values. So that’s another reason why neurobiology is so important.
But consider those guiding values. Really listen, that active listening to what our employees need. Prioritizing their mental health, and that can be done in a number of ways that we can unpack here. Embracing work-life harmony, people are of course allowed to be humans outside of work. But is that just a passive understanding or are you really encouraging that and supporting that explicitly? That’s really important. And then writing clear policies and procedures, whether that’s about workplace expectations, workplace mental health, gender harassment, discrimination, and racism, being very clear on what it is, what happens if you report it, how you’re going to be supported, and being explicit about that entire process creates a very firm foundation for mental health and wellbeing.
Michael Barber:
Yeah. So many good tips there that are both practical and I think strategic of how school leaders need to be thinking about teacher wellbeing and impacting their mental health. I’m wondering, how does school leaders and principals, how do you keep this sustained and a ongoing effort throughout the year? Because you think of the school year and there are so many highs and lows to the school year, and so many times where school leaders are under an immense amount of pressure, particularly as the context of the last few weeks. School leaders are just taking a breather and they’re dealing with immense challenges. I mean, we’ve heard from many of our school leaders, flu, COVID-19 making a huge return into schools and the impact on both their teachers and their students. Obviously making sure students are showing up for school, these stressful moments of the beginning of the year and throughout the year. Some thoughts on how school leaders and or principals can make sure that there’s a sustained and ongoing effort around teacher wellbeing and mental health?
Caroline Poland:
Right. And that’s such a challenge. We get caught in the tyranny of the urgent, and the tyranny of the urgent often takes us further away from health and wellbeing, whatever area of life we’re talking about. And I think that, again, is where it needs to be very explicit or it needs to be part of the true north guiding values that there are policies and procedures written into place so that there’s something built into the structure of that. But really practically, I think that involves building it into your schedule. Because if it’s a passive thing that fits in if there’s time, there’s probably not going to be time for it. Too many other things going on. Whereas if we can-
Michael Barber:
Caroline Poland:
… take intentional time, it’s built into supervisory meetings, it’s part of your natural questions that are being asked, maybe there’s a rhythm of anonymous surveys that go out to your staff where you can begin to adjust course. But I think it really has to be built into rhythms of days, weeks, months. Some days maybe only five minutes, maybe sometimes you can fit in an hour. But realistically, if we’re not intentional about it, it’s not going to happen.
Michael Barber:
Yeah. I think the more practical you can make it as a leader, whether you’re a school leader or not, putting it in your calendar, maybe it’s a reminder inside your to-do list app on your phone, making it a reoccurring thing so that you offload that mental stress of having to think about doing these every single time. There’s some very practical things that school leaders could be doing to make sure that they’re doing this on a regular basis, right?
Caroline Poland:
Right. And the great thing is we have a brain outside of our body now that exists in our calendars, our phones, our watches, that ping us reminders. And so this is more for wellbeing in general, although certainly applicable here. I often tell people, “You don’t have to remember to do something. Your phone can remind you to do that.” And so every hour a 10-minute passing period can a little notice come up on your watch to take a slow exhale. That’s a very simple way to just kind of get yourself grounded. Maybe it’s a reminder set as part of meeting notes to ask a specific question. But utilize your brain outside your brain because we have that. You might as well use it and take advantage of that.
Michael Barber:
For sure. Use the tools that you’ve got at your disposal, right?
Caroline Poland:
Michael Barber:
One of the things that you mentioned just that I was really fascinated by and I think we got a lot of reactions to was some of the data you showed around retention and wellbeing issues, and just the direct connection that wellbeing and mental health has on retaining teachers. And in a context that we find in ourselves right now where we have more teachers leaving the profession than those joining or interested in joining the profession where we have significant gaps of teachers inside many states and inside many classrooms inside those states, can you unpack just some of the insights from that research about why this is so vitally important to the longevity and health of your school?
Caroline Poland:
Right. Yeah. Lots of great research out there. Again, if anyone’s interested, you can contact me. I’m happy to send information your way. But we can’t unmarry retention and wellbeing and leadership. They’re interconnected and one builds on top of the next. And so we want to be very aware of that. Again, every time we’re trying to address one, we need to be addressing address all of that. And I think when we talk about the pipeline from teacher education to those first years of teaching to sustaining over time, that pipeline has to be built with mental health and wellbeing in mind. If our job is or if our idea is that we can just use people up and push them along, then we’re never going to meet our goals of retention.
And if our goal is to help retain teachers in the long run, then we have to address health, we have to address wellbeing. And that means that we have to allow teachers to be humans and we have to value teachers as the humans that they are. And when we chop away too many parts of who people are and expect people to come to work in a very fragmented form of themselves, that takes a massive toll over time. So we really want to make sure that we’re valuing our educators as teachers or as humans, everything, everything that makes them humans, including their past histories and really building that pipeline with that in mind.
Michael Barber:
Yeah. I think we could spend a whole webinar session and a whole ‘nother 90 minutes, a whole 10 YouTube Lives on this conversation of the-
Caroline Poland:
Michael Barber:
… connection of bringing oneself to work and the impact that it has on mental health and wellbeing, and in an era where we see teachers, laws being put in place that don’t allow teachers to bring their full selves to their work.
Caroline Poland:
Michael Barber:
We’ve got some challenges we’re going to face certainly in the future. We’ve talked a lot about school leader and teacher mental health. Maybe that’s a certain percentage of the equation. I was going to say half, but I think that’s probably wrong. But the other big part of the community at school is students. That’s why teachers are coming to work. As we think about how we impact student mental health and wellbeing, I know we’ve got a conversation coming up in a few weeks. Would love just some highlights of what we’re going to be talking about from you on, I believe it is October 5th, our October 5th webinar, 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern on student wellbeing. So some initial thoughts and thought starters and things you’re going to be talking about when we chat in a few weeks.
Caroline Poland:
Yeah. I’m really excited about this conversation and working on my slide set. It’s energized me quite a bit in terms of giving you all very practical things that you can do. I know one of the things that I hear from educators is, “The need is so great. I don’t know what to do when I’m trying to balance that with all the learning objectives or teaching for the test that’s coming up or standardized testing. What can I do?” And so we’re going to really look at some very practical things that you can do that don’t take much time that will integrate really nicely into the structure and flow of your work days. And those things also you can use for yourself for your own mental health and wellbeing. But just as we talked about how principal health and wellbeing is critical for educator health and wellbeing, the same thing is true for our students.
And so one of the greatest gifts ever, I guess this is a little spoiler for what we’re talking about. One of the greatest gifts that we can ever give to our students is safety, connection, and emotional regulation. So we’re really going to talk about all of those areas, how you can build those things into the framework of your classroom. What you can give of yourselves in ways that are not draining, but energizing to you as well that will help to have students that will be more regulated, that will feel safe in the classroom because all of that supports healthy learning and a healthy flow of a classroom that just leads to great learning and energy in general instead of for a drain on people around.
Michael Barber:
[inaudible 00:15:23]. So we’ll look forward to having that conversation in a couple weeks. That’s on October 5th, 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern. If you’re wondering how to register for that webinar, we’ll have it up on our website later today. You’ll just head over to charterschoolcapital.com and search student mental health, and it’ll show up there. You can also follow us on Instagram @CharterSchoolCapital, and you can find out the registration page there. Caroline, I want to say a big thanks for you for joining us today on our Tuesday Tips. We will be back next week with one of our team members, Ryan Eldridge, to discuss all things finding a forever home for your school. But for now, we’ll say goodbye and say thanks to Caroline. And we’ll see you next week. Thanks, everyone.
Caroline Poland:
Thank you.

Understanding Burnout: More Than Just Stress

Let’s begin by addressing burnout, a pervasive issue in the educational landscape. Burnout isn’t about “feeling stressed at work; it’s a chronic condition characterized by the perception that demands outweigh available resources. Many causes of burnout can be traced back to work conditions and the workplace environment. School leaders need to recognize that addressing these systemic issues can significantly reduce the rate of burnout for their educators.

A person cannot self-care their way out of burnout. We must acknowledge and address the underlying workplace factors contributing to burnout. Inappropriate, harassing, or discriminatory behaviors in the workplace can exacerbate burnout. Creating a respectful and inclusive environment is paramount.

2 Ways to Support Mental Health at Your School

Educators are the heart of your school, and their mental health and well-being are a top priority. To ensure they thrive, consider these strategies:

School Leaders Mental Health And Well Being
1. Listen to Understand

Effective communication begins with genuine listening. Stephen Covey reminds us, “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.” To truly support educators through healthy, supportive listening, embrace the acronym OARS:

  • Ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions encourage deeper conversations.
  • Use affirmations. Affirmations boost educators’ self-efficacy and confidence.
  • Summarize crucial points aloud. This reinforces clarity.
  • Reflect and act. Ensure educators feel heard and understood through your actions.
2. Foster Healthy Leadership and Supervisor-Supervisee Dynamics

Leadership sets the tone for the entire organization. By fostering healthy dynamics between supervisors and supervisees, school leaders can create a supportive environment:

  • Set clear expectations. Be explicit in your expectations and provide clarification when needed. Clarity reduces ambiguity and stress.
  • Empower those you supervise. Empower educators by delegating responsibilities and entrusting them with authority. Encourage autonomy and self-efficacy.
  • Balance demands and resources. Engage in regular conversations with your supervisees about their workload and available resources. This dialogue supports the reduction of burnout.
  • Communicate respectfully. Speak respectfully to your supervisees and encourage a culture of mutual respect. Remember that respect doesn’t equate to agreement: it involves acknowledging concerns and perspectives.
  • Celebrate achievements. Create a safe space where educators can be seen and celebrated for their goals and accomplishments. Recognizing their contributions fosters a positive workplace culture.
Five Essentials for Overall Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being

In addition to addressing burnout and supporting teacher well-being, here are five essentials for a mentally healthy workplace overall (as addressed in a 2022 Surgeon General’s Report):

  1. Protection from harm. Ensure that educators feel safe from physical and psychological harm in the workplace.
  2. Connection and community. Foster a sense of connection and community among educators, creating a supportive network.
  3. Work-Life harmony. Promote a balance between work and personal life to prevent excessive stress and burnout.
  4. Mattering at Work. Communicate to educators that their work matters and is valued.
  5. Opportunities for Growth. Provide professional and personal growth opportunities and encourage a sense of purpose and achievement.
Support Your Teachers’ Mental Health and Well-being
Mental Health And Well Being For Charter Schools 2

You can get more strategies to support teacher mental health and well-being by watching the recording of the full webinar: Teacher Mental Health and Well-Being.  Watch it free here.

About the Author

Caroline Poland headshot

Caroline M. Poland, MA, LMHC, LCAC, CCTP, CCFP, NCC is a licensed mental health counselor, certified clinical trauma professional, and the Founder and CEO of both Poland and Associates Consulting, LLC and Landmark Counseling, LLC (a private counseling practice in Indiana).

In her work, Ms. Poland brings insights from psychology, mental health, and science to the topics of women in the workplace, decision-making, compassion fatigue and burnout, trauma, and sexual assault, with the goal of establishing healthy trauma-informed organizations. Ms. Poland has worked with organizations around the world on issues of trauma informed care, healthy workplaces, impactful leadership, decision-making, and the unique experiences of women in the workplace, leading to optimal productivity, health, and flourishing.

Her website is polandandassociates.com, and you can contact her at caroline@polandandassociates.com .

More Resources

In this session, Tricia Blum joined us to answer questions on back-to-school operations. She spoke about COVID-19 preparedness, transportation and staffing and financial management.

Join the experts as they answer all your questions live on Tuesdays on YouTube at 10am PT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET. Charter School Capital – YouTube

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Hi, everyone, and welcome back to Tuesday Tips. I fully realize it is Wednesday. We had some scheduling challenges yesterday, so we are doing Tuesday Tips on Wednesday. Welcome back. We’re here every single week for about 10 minutes talking all things challenges for school leaders. I’m really excited to welcome my guest today. It is Tricia Blum. Tricia, welcome back. I think this is your second time with us on YouTube live, or we’ve just done so many webinars together, maybe I’m getting the two confused. But if you don’t know Tricia, Tricia leads up our consulting practices at Charter School Capital, helping school leaders navigate all the challenges that they encounter running their schools. And so we asked her to come back to talk about operations challenges and financial challenges that schools may be facing and answer some questions related to that. So we’re really happy to have you back, Tricia. Welcome.

Tricia Blum:

Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here and I’m excited to share some of the wisdom I learned as a former CEO of Charter School Network, as well as all that I’ve learned at CSC. So glad to be here.


Yeah, this is a brain we get to proverbially pick for the next 10 to 12 minutes that’s got so much deep experience with both leading schools and helping those school leaders that may be in tough spots that are working on challenges. So I’m really excited to ask Tricia some questions. So we’ll kick it off with this. We’re a few weeks into the school year. Some schools have been back since the beginning of August. Some just got back in the last two to three weeks. As you think about the beginning and the start of the school year, what should schools be thinking about from an operational perspective right now?

Tricia Blum:

That’s such a great question because I know I remember the days. Yeah, about five or six week, things start kind of slowing down enough that you feel like you’re not just putting out fires and of course those first couple of weeks you don’t know which fires are to come. So this is a great time to talk about operational aspects that schools should look at to ensure success for their coming year.

I wasn’t going to lead with this, but recently health and safety in terms of COVID. So I would be looking at, and I don’t know how many other folks have talked about this, but COVID-19 preparedness. Who knew we were going to be talking about it in Fall of 2023? I think you have to dust off your old policies and see if they still make sense. Figure out where your sanitation stuff is. Are you going to mask again? What are you going to do? And I think that’s incredibly important.

I have a couple of examples. I have a school in Indiana who they lost their entire middle school and their teachers and a Dean to COVID for an entire week the second week of school. And personal, my child went off to college, called me, no kidding, I left and she called and said, “Hey, my roommate has COVID. I’m standing in the bathroom with a mask on and campus safety is rolling in to figure out how this is solved.” So we don’t want to deal with it anymore, but I can’t state enough how important that might be to be looking at right now.


Yeah. I was actually on Instagram this morning and there’s sort of a meme account for the Washington, D.C. area. I live just outside of Washington, D.C., as you know, and a teacher from Ward 7, we have eight Wards in the D.C. region, tweeted yesterday that basically her whole classroom is out with COVID. And just that it’s here. It’s still around, just because we’ve gone through the summer. Just an entire challenge to layer on already the other operational challenges that school leaders face.

I do want to mention, if you have questions about COVID, we have some older resources that are probably still very relevant from early on in the pandemic. I’d be more than happy to if people have got questions or want to reach out and ask us where they are, but you can also just go to our website at charterschoolcapital.com, search COVID in that search box, top right corner, and you will find a plethora of resources. But yeah, just a challenge I think a lot of schools are facing right now. Everybody’s going back into the classroom and bringing all their germs with them.

Tricia Blum:

Right. Absolutely. And again, like I said, I think, not just schools, all of us, I mean, I know when my child called and said that, I’m like, “What?” So we’re all getting a little flatfooted with that, so let’s get our policies put back in place and also find where all those old masks are and where is all that old hand sanitizer because you might need it again.

I think another really big challenge at the beginning of the school year that really sets the tone for the rest of the school year is transportation. So getting your bus routes and safety routes all put in place and taken care of as best as you can right now so that you can flow through the rest of the year. Certainly, I know, having spent summers working with bus organizations and creating routes and all of that, you think you’ve got it set, but when school starts, invariably you’ve got new students coming in from other areas, and so now’s a good time to address your transportation.

Staffing is also incredibly important right now, and again, it goes along with transportation. You’ve spent the summer sort of putting together your staffing plan. Again, kids have shown up that may have special ed that you weren’t planning on having. They may be stronger in areas that you weren’t. So hashing out if you need to move teachers around teaching and staffing assignments. And then in the same token, if you’ve got teachers that are new, and/or, again, like I said, you’ve got some challenges that you didn’t know were coming in terms of special ed or other resources, maybe ELL, addressing all of that through professional development, which you may not have scheduled for right now. You’ve done some right before school started, and then you’re not really planning to do some for a few months, so make sure you’re hitting your professional development.

The same goes for curriculum and instruction, and again, I could spend hours on all of these. I know we’re trying to spend 10 minutes, so I’m just bumping through the big highlights, right? Technology, same. You wrote a plan, now you have to make sure that the plan actually still works and then change it if you need to. So facilities and infrastructure. Along those same lines, you need to take a look at how the school building is actually working for you this year and make any needed repairs or maintenance. It’s also a great time, I think, to take a look at what next year is going to look like, right? You’ve got a whole new set of students. Our brains are all working on it. And so this is a great time to jot down some notes, if you will. I use the word jot down, put it in your tablet, doesn’t matter. Just so that you’re like, “Oh, yeah, I remember.” So come spring, you’re like, “That’s right. We need to make sure that our building has this or that.” So that, I think, is part of it.

Making sure that your communication plan out to your community stakeholders, parents and students, all of that. Again, you likely already have a communication plan, but making sure that it actually says what you’re doing and you’re doing what it says or make the changes necessary. Crisis communication, a huge part of that. Again, I mentioned COVID. You’re going to have those communications going out again, and probably a lot of us fairly lost.

Budget and finance. We can spend a lot of time talking about that. Review and adjust your budget as necessary. Attendance and records. That’s always tricky this time of year. Some states are getting ready to have their once or twice a year counts. Some states work on an average daily attendance. So it’s really important that whatever software you’re using, make sure that your attendance and records are straight so that you can get paid for those students. So that is, I don’t know, about 10 or 11 things. That’s all. Just 10 or 11 things that you should be paying attention to as you start out the new school year that will get you set up.


If there was a masterclass for starting the new school year, you just gave that masterclass. So I’m going to give you a virtual pat on the back because that was an incredible rundown in a very concise amount of time. I want to ask another question related to something you touched on. As you’re getting your student count, as you’re looking at that budget, Charter Schools have obviously got to continuously manage their fiscal responsibilities and fiscally manage their practices and their audit readiness. Is there anything in this particular time of year beyond what you’ve already stated around just making sure how as a school leader you can improve that financial management and audit readiness for the rest of the year?

Tricia Blum:

So I think there are, and this is one that I personally learned. You need to hire competent financial personnel. You really do. I’m going to say this, and I didn’t say it five years ago, but I say it now. If you have the ability to hire someone that has Charter School funding experience, it doesn’t specifically have to be someone that has Charter experience in your state, but we know that Charter funding is an animal unto itself, and if you can find someone that is competent and understands that there is a lag in funding and that there are peculiar, easy for me to say, peculiarities, wow, around funding, I think that’s really important. And if the person you are working with is not competent, now is the time. I know so often we fire slow, and I know that sounds harsh, but this is the time. If you don’t have someone that’s not doing a job that you need to have done in finance, now is the time. Make sure [inaudible 00:09:59].


Yeah, such good advice.

Tricia Blum:

… get rid of the non-competent. That’s, again, may sound harsh, but don’t spend the rest of the year hoping that they are going to catch up and figure it out because, I see it time and again, finances for Charter Schools are challenging enough. If you put someone that’s not competent in the seat for the school, you’ve got a whole world of problems. So I can’t stress that enough.


Yeah, such good advice. One question I wanted to ask you related to the first question around the beginning of the year and sort of having your facility prepared for that beginning of the year and thinking about what you may need in a facility in the future, is you and I have talked a lot and we’ve also done a lot of work around audits and audit best practices and talking specifically about how you audit your building. Do you have any thoughts on what an internal building audit might reveal for a school leader to understand like, “Hey, is this building serving us now and is it going to serve our mission in the future?” Any thoughts there?

Tricia Blum:

I have a lot of thoughts actually, and I will say, doing a building audit at the beginning of the year, it’s a great time, because, again, you’re able to take a look at how the school is operating with your students this year, right? You can look at safety and accessibility, your learning spaces. What is your technology infrastructure? So often we don’t even think of that, or us non-techies don’t think of that anyway, and then you may have a great building, but it may need actual infrastructure. So I think resource allocation, energy. There are all sorts of things that you can specifically look at. I think, do we have an ebook on that, Michael?


We do.

Tricia Blum:

Okay. I was going to say, good. So we’ve got that, but what I’m also going to say is a piece, when you are doing your facility audit, it is great to have your custodian or your janitor, of course, one of the leaders, if not the CEO or executive director, your insurance company, bring in your insurance company, and then hopefully you have someone on the board or a parent that’s pretty involved that is in the facility industry. I can’t stress enough the great audits that come from having a group of folks walking through the building because we all have a different lens and we all see things differently, and so that will give you a real 360 view.


Yeah. Such good advice. And Tricia mentioned an ebook, a guide that we’ve done on all things audits. It’s available on our website. Again, just hop over to charterschoolcapital.com, search audits. You’ll get a very, very in-depth ebook, which I think is sitting behind my desk somewhere in this stack, about 55 pages long that we’ve refined over 17 years of working with schools. So you’re more than welcome to go grab one of those that Tricia intimately helped put together for us over the last last four or five years as we’ve rolled out that audit knowledge. Tricia, any last words of advice for school leaders when it comes to ops and what they should be thinking about? This is an open floor, open-ended question. Anything you’ve been hearing or any other wisdom you can share with us when it comes to operations and school leaders?

Tricia Blum:

For me, the month was always October, but for a lot of you, it’s right now. Now is the time to take a breath. You’ve made it through the first four or five weeks of school. Take a deep breath, stop working 12 hours a day. Enjoy what you have created, enjoy your students. Be good to your staff. Be good to yourself.


Such a good way to end Tuesday Tips this week. We really appreciate your voice today joining us, even if it’s Wednesday. We appreciate that voice anytime Tricia comes on and chats with us either at a webinar or here on YouTube. So Tricia, I’m just going to extend a quick thanks again for your time.

As always, we’re here Tuesdays at 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern. I know it’s Wednesday. We’ll be back next Tuesday with Caroline Poland, who is joining us tomorrow for a webinar on teacher mental health and well-being. I hope you’ll come join us as we figure out decent strategies to help school leaders tackle and how to provide a safe space and mental and well-being services for their teachers. That’s tomorrow starting at 10:00 AM. You’ll have to register for that one. You’ll get the Zoom invite, and we hope we’ll see you there. But if you can’t make it tomorrow, Caroline will join us next Tuesday, 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern here on YouTube. Thanks again for joining us, and Tricia, goodbye. Hope you have a great Wednesday.

Tricia Blum:

Thanks so much. Take care. Thanks for having me.

The PA Charter School Legacy Awards stand as a distinguished recognition within Pennsylvania’s educational landscape, honoring exceptional individuals and organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions to the growth, advancement, and success of charter schools.

These awards celebrate visionary leadership, innovative educational practices, community engagement, and unwavering commitment to the betterment of kids’ lives through the charter school system.

2022 Legacy Award Winners

Erin Corvaia

Award Type: Teacher

School: Pennsylvania STEAM Academy

Quote: “There is such a great need for those kids to be loved and supported and be told that great things can happen for them. And the kids themselves, and knowing that I can provide for them, that is the greatest reward.”

Bio: Erin Corvaia is a kindergarten teacher at Pennsylvania STEAM Academy. Erin joined Pennsylvania STEAM two years ago, and channels her background in Outdoor Education and love of natural science into the STEM curriculum.

Dr. Wayne Jones

Award Type: School Leader

School: Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship

Quote: “Through creativity, flexibility, and innovation, we can inspire and empower young minds to reach their full potential and break free from the limits of traditional education.”

Bio: Dr. Wayne Jones joined Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship as their CEO in 2013 with a financial management, operations, and sports management background. Dr. Jones got his doctorate in Leadership Education, and devoted his education and resources towards studying entrepreneurial education’s impact on young students.

Ralf Weiser

Award Type: Parent Advocate

School: Avon Grove Charter School

Quote: “It was a very harmonious experience. It was give and take on both sides— on the parents’ sides and on the administrations’ side.

Bio: When Ralf and his wife moved into a new school district with two young children, they researched the school choices available to them and found that the resources available at Avon Grove Charter: art, languages, music— would provide their children with a rich exposure of experiences. They quickly became involved in volunteering, and ultimately, Ralf joined the school board, serving on that board through the challenges of COVID-19 and beyond.

Jennifer Morrison

Award Type: Rising School Leader

School: Pennsylvania STEAM Academy

Quote: “I feel like I can deeply connect with kids and adults as well. And if I whittle it down — the kids know that I love and respect them. Sometimes I have to be the disciplinarian or the “meanie,” but at the end of the day, all my kids know that I love them and over the years, I have seen so many successes.”

Bio: Jennifer Morrison is the Principal and CEO of Pennsylvania STEAM Academy, a brand-new charter school in Harrisburg. With a background in psychology, Jennifer taught art for 16 years in the charter school system before spending a few years in the public system and ultimately joining Pennsylvania STEAM when they opened their doors two years ago.

Pat Hennessy

Award Type: Charter Lawyer

School: Philadelphia Area Charter Schools

Quote: “An education lawyer has a tangible result where you can actually see the impact that you’re having: thousands of children are being educated in charter school every year from all walks of life…and we’ve really moved the needle on the education that is provided, and that’s a really fulfilling part of what I do.”

Bio: Pat has been recognized as a Pennsylvania Charter Schools supporter. A founder and co-chair of Barton Gilman LLP, Pat Hennessy has been serving charter schools as counsel and representative for over two decades. Pat has also been named one of the “Best Lawyers in America” in Commercial Litigation for two years in a row (2022-2023), and named a Pennsylvania “Super Lawyer” in Schools and Education for three consecutive years (2021-2023).

Jesse Topper

Award Type: Elected Official

School: Pennsylvania Charter Schools

Quote: “Our rule in government is to make sure that everyone has access to education. I can’t guarantee success for every kid, family, for every institution. But I can guarantee as a public policy maker that each student has access to the education that will enable them to live the American dream.”

Bio: Representative Topper is the Republican chair of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives education committee. Rep. Topper is passionate about making sure that every kid and family has access to education. He is now serving his fifth term in office, representing residents of Bedford and Fulton counties.

Steven Catanzarite

Award Type: Lifetime Achievement

School: Lincoln Park Performing School

Quote: “Charter schools are not so much about innovation as it is about renovation. Discovering things that may have been forgotten, bowled over by how large education systems can grow. So I think charter school systems are at their most innovative when they’re renovating.”

Bio: Steven has been involved in charter school advocacy and leadership since 2006, when he became involved in the founding of Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center, which was anchored by a performing arts charter school. He now serves as the founding Managing Director and CEO. Stephen is a writer, musician, and artist passionate about arts education.

Senator Anthony Williams

Award Type: Legislator

School: Pennsylvania Charter Schools

Quote: “The greatest success that I can see is literally right in front of me: when a young man or young woman who’s gone through these schools comes back, returns, and says if it wasn’t for this school, I wouldn’t have the type of life I have.”

Bio: Senator Anthony Williams has served Pennsylvania as a state senator of the 8th district since 1998. He served as an original change-maker of Pennsylvania’s charter school legislation, ensuring expanded options for families, and he has pushed to expand school choice through the Education Improvement Tax Credit and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit programs.

Join us for the 2023 PA Legacy Awards!

The 2023 PA Legacy Awards are here to celebrate outstanding individuals who have left a mark on their communities and schools.

Visit the Coalition site at https://pacharters.org/ to learn more about the 2023 PA Legacy Awards and the incredible individuals shaping a brighter tomorrow. Together, let’s amplify their voices and celebrate the pursuit of a better world through charter school education.

In this session, Charlotte Pullins joined us to answer questions on teacher retention. She spoke about professional development, creating a supportive school culture, and mental health initiatives for teachers.

Join the experts as they answer all your questions live on Tuesdays on YouTube at 10am PT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET. Charter School Capital – YouTube


Read Full Transcript :

Michael Barber:

Hi everybody and welcome back to Tuesday Tips. My name’s Michael Barber and I’m joined today on a conversation on all things teacher attention by Dr. Charlotte Pullins. Dr. Pullins, it’s good to see your face again here.

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Nice to see you too, Michael.

Michael Barber:

Good to spend a few minutes with you. As mentioned, we are going to spend 10 minutes on our Tuesday tips today talking all things teacher retention and wellness, and we brought back a guest, you all should know if you’ve been watching our Tuesday Tips, and that’s Dr. Charlotte Poland. She’s joined us a couple of times to talk about this topic, so we’re happy to have her back. We’re going to kick it right off with some questions that we think are going to be really impactful for the conversation. But if you’re joining us live, please feel free to hop into the live chat and we are more than happy to answer questions that are coming from you live as well. So Dr. Pullins, let’s start at the top of the hour with how can we create a positive and supportive school culture that encourages teachers to stay with us for the long term? Any thoughts there?

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Well, and there’s a theory that was produced by Bandura called Social Cognitive Theory, and it really framed teacher self-efficacy based on social context and interactions and the environments that teachers have at school. So one way, I think, using that research relationships really matter. School districts need to first form great relationships with their teachers, giving teachers an autonomy and trust, creating a shared vision, teacher recognition and appreciation. That could be just going into the teacher classroom, leaving sticky notes. Remember, for every negative, a teacher needs six positives. Also, communication, feedback are all great ways in order to increase that teacher’s self-efficacy and also wellness programs. Remember just creating a positive and supporting culture. Keep it ongoing. Collaborations between teachers, parents and the community, to help teachers really will grow your teachers professionally and create an environment that they feel that the school is committed to helping them continue to teach and continue to teach as long as they can.

Michael Barber:

Such good insights there. I think it’s particularly important, this conversation we’re having this morning. I know you and I saw this poll from the National Alliance that was conducted by the Harris Poll. It found that something in the neighborhood of 97% of all public school teachers say they wish people understood how demanding it is to be a teacher. I think for those of us in the field that are around school leaders and teachers, we understand those demands probably more acutely than everyone. And I think it’s important, especially for teachers these days under the amount of pressure, that they’re given a post COVID experience in school learning loss, pressure from voices that we never expected to have. A question that comes up often is, so how do we help teachers continue to grow? How do they continue to get that professional development and hopefully get the support that they need? Is there any specific professional development opportunities that have shown to enhance teacher satisfaction and retention?

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Well, it’s crazy because about $18,000 is spent per teacher for professional development. But out of that professional development, only about 30% of teachers get something from it. So what can we do? Well, we can improve the way we are giving professional development, make it more interactive. If your school district doesn’t have access to great professional development, online courses like Coursea or edX are great platforms where you can use and not create the professional development yourself. Also, professional development on cultural competencies and inclusion. Those kind of workshops help teachers work with other teachers, help teachers work with students better, and also I think it’s really important that you personalize learning. Give the teacher the power to pick and choose what they need to know and who knows best what they need. The teachers themselves. Also, I love to see teachers have professional development, that’s cross disciplinary. So that’s one teacher that teaches something different with someone else because they learn from each other.

They learn strategies that they might not have known or thought of. Those are great ways to improve your teacher professional development. Also, remember, the effectiveness of your professional development is going to be based on the specific needs of the teacher. The teachers know what they need, and that’s really important. So it’s essential to offer a variety of professional development so that teachers can hone in into the things that they need and increase their teacher self-efficacy. So just be innovative. Find approaches, different approaches from everywhere, but most importantly, you want to have a positive impact on teacher retention with professional development, and that’s by finding the correct one for the teacher.

Michael Barber:

I think the interesting one thread between both of your answers around how we can create this positive and supportive environment and how we can create specific professional development opportunities for teachers is you’re really helping teachers be seen, right? So you’re helping, when you talk about just simple post-it notes, it’s reflecting even the smallest things to the biggest impacts that they have. In your school when you’re talking about professional development and helping them, guide their path because they know where they need that learning and that help. It’s again, allowing them to be seen in that process and specifically on conversations about belonging. You’re again reflecting that need to be seen as an individual that’s contributing in that school experience. I think that’s such an important thread you’ve created there.

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Great. Thank you.

Michael Barber:

For sure. I want to talk really quickly about a big topic of conversation right now amongst districts and even across all the different types of spectrums of schools, whether it’s charter or otherwise, are compensation and benefits. Is there anything that you’ve seen where you are in Arizona or you’ve seen nationally that are innovative approaches that either districts or charters are utilizing to positively impact teacher retention without breaking the budget?

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

And that’s a good question because a lot of school districts will say, well, “We don’t have the money. There’s no money.” So if you think about it, in year 2000, 2021, the average teacher salary was only $41,770. That’s not a lot of money. So what can we do to help teachers without districts or charters breaking their banks? Have someone who specializes in student loan forgiveness, that’s a person can help the teachers navigate finding the money that they can not pay to the government anymore. That’s public service loan forgiveness. There’s the teacher loan forgiveness. Also, something I utilized was the Perkins Loan forgiveness, and that was based on teaching in a school that was predominantly low income. Another thing is flexible work arrangements. A lot of school districts are going to four-day work weeks. That’s a great way to help teachers and keep them engaged at your school.

The Teacher Next Door program helps teachers get housing. A lot of places, especially in California, they have a big proponent for stipends for teachers in their housing. So one district, Daily District in California is one that has implemented that where the teachers get a stipend for living. And then there’s also childcare stipends. You just have to be creative. The school district has to be creative and responsive to the needs of the teachers and prioritize those in little ways. Those small initiatives or programs helps focus on teacher wellbeing, their health and just increases their retention.

Michael Barber:

Such good insights there. I was actually listening to a conversation with a school leader, out of Rochester New York, a few weeks ago who was touching on something you mentioned, and that’s housing allowances and making housing allowances more affordable for teachers. Even careers that pay enormous of multiples more, people are struggling to find housing in big metro markets right now, big urban, densely populated markets. And for teachers, it’s no different, and we can’t get to this place where our teachers are having to live an hour, two hour commute outside of the communities that they’re in.

They’re not going to understand the needs of that community. They’re not going to be able to hear the voices, to feel the beats and the feelings of that urban community. So we’ve got to be thinking at a federal state, and local level of how we can create housing affordability opportunities for teachers given their salaries. So such good insights there. You touched on this really briefly in your last answer, and this is going to be our last question. So if you’re live with us right now, please feel free to pop them in, but we’re hitting that 10 minute mark and we’d like to respect your time. But you touched on teacher wellbeing and mental health. Are there any specific initiatives or programs that could contribute to higher retention rates when we talk about wellbeing and mental health for teachers?

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Yes, you have to remember that teacher wellbeing is very important, especially in the times of COVID isolation. People’s self-confidence has decreased, or teacher self-efficacy has decreased. So we want to increase those level of wellbeing. And higher wellbeing correlates to higher engagement, higher productivity for teacher, more teacher presentism, teachers are present more. So when we increase that what’s called psychological capital, we increase teacher satisfaction, we increase their commitment to teaching, and we increase their performance. So that decreases their stress, that decreases their anxiety, that decreases all those things. So what can you do as a school district? Well, there’s mental health awareness things that you can do. There’s one book. First thing I would say is, for administrators to get a book called Onward. It’s about teacher resiliency, and the author is Elaine Aguilera, and what she does is she tackles teacher stress and pinpoints how you can, as a district, help that.

There’s also an online component to her book, but things mindfulness, get your teachers into that. There’s an app called Headspace for employees that helps. Also, professional development on mental health, there’s a great program called Second Step Adult that goes through teacher resilience and burnout and stress. Remember the flexible work week. You can have mental health days at your school, things that don’t cost money. You tell teachers you have to leave on time. There’s no homework, there’s no parent-teacher conferences this week. Give that to your teachers, support groups. What you need to do is just prioritize their wellbeing. Create programs that can help and support them in creating a caring environment. That’s what’s going to increase your retention rates, and that’s what’s going to equip your teachers to better manage the stressfulness of the profession.

Michael Barber:

Such good insights there. And I’ll add one more to what Dr. Pullins shared. In two weeks, we’re bringing Caroline Poland, who is a trauma-informed mental health practitioner to our webinar series. So feel free to hop onto our website, charterschoolcapital.com and register for that webinar. We’re doing teacher mental health this month. And next month, we’re following it up with student mental health. Two huge topics right now for school leaders. Well, we’re 12 ish minutes after the hour. We like to respect our Tuesday Tips, 10 minute limit to the amount of time we can take from our listeners every single week. So we’re going to call it a day. But Dr. Pullins, we appreciate you being here again with us on YouTube live for Tuesday Tips.

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Thanks for having me.

Michael Barber:

Of course. It’s our pleasure. We’ll have to have you back in a few months and chat more about what’s happening in the space related to teacher retention. This is a big challenge for school leaders, continues to be. Every time we ask school leaders at conferences, what’s your biggest challenge? Teacher retention is always in the top three, so we’ll of course be bringing you back. I do want to say a big thank you to you. You helped us build a guide that’s available on our website around teacher retention. Just an incredible guide. You all are welcome to go check that out. And we really appreciate you adding your voice to not only our guides, but also YouTube live. So thanks again for joining us.

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:

Thank you for having me.

Michael Barber:

Of course. So I’ll wrap it up there. Again, say thank you to Dr. Pullins. We are here every Tuesday for 10 minutes, talking all things challenges for school leaders, and we hope to see you back here next Tuesday. Have a good week, you all. Take care.

Dr. Charlotte Pullins:
