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Navigating AI Ethics at Your School

Sarah Fink, JD

April 2, 2024

Navigating Ai Ethics At Your School

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into educational settings has transformed the landscape of teaching and learning. From personalized tutoring systems to adaptive learning platforms, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way educators engage with students and improve educational outcomes. As AI continues to proliferate in schools around the world, educators and school leaders are faced with both unprecedented opportunities and complex ethical challenges. In this article, we explore the growing role of AI in education, its potential benefits, and the importance of establishing ethical guidelines to ensure responsible AI usage in schools.

Transparency, accountability, fairness, privacy, safety, societal benefit, and human control form the bedrock of ethical AI practices. Each principle plays a crucial role in ensuring that AI systems are developed, deployed, and utilized responsibly at your school.


Transparency entails clear understanding of how AI systems operate, including their purpose, functionality, and limitations. Educators and developers should have insight into the data used to train these systems. By promoting transparency, schools can establish trust and ensure that AI applications align with educational objectives while maintaining student safety and well-being.

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Accountability involves taking responsibility for the outcomes and decisions made by AI systems. In the context of education, it’s essential to trace predictions and outputs back to their data sources and the individuals responsible for their creation. Through mechanisms like lineage and provenance tracking, schools can uphold accountability and mitigate the risks of biased or erroneous AI outcomes.


Fairness requires addressing biases inherent in AI systems, which often reflect the biases present in their training data. Educators must scrutinize datasets and algorithms to identify and mitigate potential sources of bias, ensuring equitable treatment of all students.


Privacy concerns arise from the collection, storage, and use of personal data within AI systems. Schools must prioritize data consent and compliance, obtaining explicit permission for the use of student information in AI applications. Additionally, robust security measures are necessary to safeguard sensitive data and protect against potential breaches or misuse.

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Safety and Security

Safety and security encompass measures to protect students, staff, and school resources from harm or exploitation. Schools must implement robust cybersecurity protocols to defend against malicious attacks and ensure the integrity of AI systems.

Societal Benefit

AI should serve the collective welfare of society, enhancing human capabilities and fostering positive outcomes. In education, AI tools should augment teaching and learning processes, catering to diverse student needs and promoting inclusive practices.

Human Control

Human control emphasizes the importance of human oversight and intervention in AI systems. Educators must retain ultimate authority over AI applications, guiding their development and deployment in alignment with educational goals.

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In Practice: Writing Your AI Policy

Now, let’s explore how schools can translate these ethical principles into actionable policies that guide their AI initiatives effectively. A well-crafted AI policy should encompass the following elements:

1. Guiding Principles

Define the core values and objectives that underpin your school’s approach to AI ethics. Consider factors such as equity, transparency, accountability, and student well-being.

2. Permitted and Prohibited Uses

Clearly outline the acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI within the school environment. Specify criteria for evaluating AI applications and interventions to ensure alignment with ethical standards and educational objectives.

3. Data Governance

Establish protocols for data collection, storage, and usage in AI systems, emphasizing informed consent, data privacy, and security. Implement measures to safeguard student information and mitigate risks associated with data breaches or unauthorized access.

4. Risk Management

Identify potential risks and challenges associated with AI adoption in education, such as bias, discrimination, and unintended consequences. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks through regular monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment of AI practices.

5. Stakeholder Engagement

Foster collaboration and communication among educators, students, parents, and other stakeholders to solicit feedback and address concerns related to AI implementation.

6. Compliance and Accountability

Ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines governing AI in education. Establish mechanisms for accountability, including oversight committees, reporting procedures, and ethical review boards.

7. Professional Development

Provide training and support for educators to enhance their AI literacy and proficiency. Equip teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to integrate AI tools effectively into teaching and learning practices while promoting responsible usage.

8. Continuous Improvement

Commit to ongoing evaluation and refinement of AI policies and practices based on feedback, research findings, and evolving ethical standards. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to maximize the benefits of AI in education.

About the Author
SarahFink Headshot 2023 0003 (1)

Sarah is a marketing executive, product strategist, and the founder of Yarrow Insights.

Sarah has fostered collaboration across diverse teams, successfully integrated acquisitions, and scaled competitive intelligence throughout her career. As the founder of Yarrow Insights, she continues to lead with expertise and a commitment to empowering businesses in the healthcare technology and digital health sectors.

To get started drafting your AI policy, take a look at Sarah’s starter template here and browse additional resources below.

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