We’re headed to the 2019 National Charter Schools Conference
National Charter Schools Conference: Viva Las Vegas!!!
Can you believe it’s almost time for this year’s National Charter Schools Conference? The Charter School Capital team is packing up and heading to sunny and warm Las Vegas June 30-July 3 for the National Charter School’s Conference being held at the beautiful Mandalay Bay Hotel. The theme of this year’s conference is Reimagining Education and who better to represent that theme than this year’s featured speaker, the founder of Khan Academy, Sal Khan!
We are really looking forward to connecting with—and being inspired by—charter school leaders and school choice advocates from across the country.
Did you know that there will be more than 100 engaging breakout sessions and Sal Kahn, founder of the Khan Academy, will be one of the several inspirational keynote speakers?
If you are planning on attending, we’d love to meet you! Please stop by booth #602 to say hello and claim a pair of our exclusive 2019 #WeLoveCharterSchools socks (while supplies last)!
Additionally, we are honored to have been selected to present an important breakout session at this year’s event and hope you’ll be able to attend:
Play It Safe! Understanding and Implementing the Key Layers of School Safety
Tuesday, 7/2 | 9:00am| Room 378
(If you can’t make it, don’t worry, the session deck will be available online.)
As always, we’ll be sharing as much as possible of this inspiring event on our social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We invite you to join the conversation as well by using the hashtags #NCSC19 and #WeLoveCharterSchools so we can help amplify your voice and the voice of the movement!
Learn more about the conference and our session here.
There will be dozens of meet-ups, happy hour events and 100+ breakout sessions in the following programming strands: govern, educate, lead, operate, advocate. The conference officially kicks off on Sunday, June 30, with the welcome reception from 6:00-8:00 pm. Hope to see you in Las Vegas! And don’t forget to stop by our Booth #602 and say hi!