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Teacher's Union Focus on California Charter Schools

Branché Jones

September 5, 2014


New_City_031_lowAt the start of 2014 the California Teacher’s Association, the state’s largest teachers union, made a decision to focus on organizing the state’s charter schools.
They see the more than 1,100 charter schools as a good opportunity to secure new dues-paying members that can grow their union.  They are making this a focus even though the California charter school law allows charter schools to unionize if they want to do so and over 30% of current charter schools have collective bargaining agreements in place.
The union has really focused their efforts into organizing the 11 schools that the California Virtual Academies have in the state and in Alameda County.  Although, the union has stumbled with their initial efforts they have doubled their efforts and hope to be successful by the end of this year.
We will need to keep our eyes on their efforts to see if this venture will begin to pick up speed.
Note: Edweek blog recently did a piece on CTA’s efforts.

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