Yesterday, Senator Elaine Alquist amended her bill SB 1290 to change how charter schools are renewed in California. This may affect funding for California charter schools, should they not meet the new qualifications to renew. The bill proposed by Senator Alquist states that charters must meet their Academic Performance Index (API) growth target overall, as well as for each of their subgroups, in order to qualify for renewal of their charter school status. (To view the bill, go to, click on the ‘Bill Information’ link, and type in ‘SB 1290’ in the search bar.) The bill is being sponsored by the California Department of Education, while other opinions are mixed. The California Charter Schools Association is neutral on the measure, but a number of individual lobbyists and education reform advocates are opposed to it and fighting against it. The bill will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee next Wednesday at 1:30 PM. To voice your opposition to Senator Alquist’s attempts to re-regulate and change funding for California charter schools, please contact her office via telephone at (916) 651-4013 or fax at (96) 324-0283.