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National School Choice Week is Almost Here!

Grow Schools, formerly Charter School Capital

January 16, 2018


national school choice week
National School Choice Week (NSCW) is coming January 21-27th, and we want to make sure you’re up-to-date on all the cool happenings so you don’t miss a thing!  
Not familiar with NSCW? This inspiring week recognizes all K-12 options, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling. It’s the world’s largest annual celebration of opportunities in education that includes over 10,000 independent events. It’s a nonpartisan, non-political, independent public awareness effort that’s not associated with any legislative lobbying or advocacy efforts.
Every child deserves a bright future. Having school choice simply means that parents are empowered to select the best possible educational experience and learning environment for their unique child’s individual needs—helping them thrive!
Make sure to join the conversation all next week with Charter School Capital, as we share stories and quotes about school choice on Facebook, Twitter, and on LinkedIn. Follow all the school choice week festivities, events, and conversation using the #schoolchoice and #SCW hashtags.
There are so many events going on across the country next week, that we can’t list them all here; but if you’re interested in finding an NSCW activity in your area check out this interactive map of everything going on! We’d also love to hear what you’re doing to celebrate the week. Leave us a comment below.
Have a great #schoolchoice week!

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