Since 2017, Charter School Capital has held an annual essay contest celebrating exceptional teachers. We call it the Dewey Awards, in celebration of Mr. Richard Dewey – a teacher who provided exceptional mentorship to our founder and CEO Stuart Ellis. Every year, we get a brilliant selection of stories written by students from charter schools all over the nation. This year’s winners are featured here. But each of these stories is worth sharing.
This week, we bring you a story written by Sejal Darsi that celebrates Ms. Brown of Queen City STEM School.
Hello, My name is Sejal Darsi and I am in the 3rd grade at Queen City Stem School in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would like to tell about my teacher Ms. Brown.
I love having Ms. Brown as my teacher this year. This is because I can understand her teaching easily. My teacher answers all of my questions and she is patient. She has encouraged me to work hard to achieve my goals. She is very helpful to all the students who may not know something. She explains everything in detail so that I and all other students are motivated to complete all the tasks in the class. Now, I am going to tell how Ms. Brown changed me.

Ms. Brown gave me a hard problem in math. I solved it fast and I checked after I submitted my answer, but it was incorrect. I learned from my teacher that I always have to check back and look over my work before I submit my final answer. We also have this “Fun Friday” concept in my class. Fun Friday is a reward for the students who participate and complete their homework and tasks on time. One Friday I did not complete my assignment and I missed the fun Friday. My teacher explained and asked me to complete the homework first. My teacher encourages me to complete my assignments on time because I am supposed but it is also nice to get rewarded.
From that day I make sure that I am checking daily and trying to complete all assignments on time. One more thing I learned from my teacher is that I have to share my knowledge with other students who need help in the class. I loved to be a leader in the class, so I participate actively.
My teacher’s words always motivate me to help my friends and family.
My family is from India and my parents used to tell me below Shloka (Poetic form used in Sanskrit language) about the teacher.
Guru Brahma (Teacher represents Lord Brahma – Lord Brahma is creator of the universe)
Guru Vishnu (Teacher represents Lord Vishnu – Lord Vishnu is preserver)
Guru Devo Maheswaraha (Teacher represents Lord Shiva – Lord Shiva is evil destroyer)
Guru Sakshaath para Brahma ( We have to see the Lord in our Teacher) Tasmaishri Guravenamaha (I bow to that true teacher)
Sloka Meaning: The Teacher is the living representative of the supreme being. He/she gives me knowledge and destroys ignorance.
I salute such a true teacher. I would like to thank her for teaching me in 3rd grade.
I really want Ms. Brown to be my teacher for upcoming grades and because I want to learn more things from her. I love her so much. I am really happy for getting this opportunity and grateful for submitting my story about my teacher.