The Charter School Capital team is packing up and heading to Washington, D.C. next week, June 11-14. We’re proud to once again be one of the Gold Sponsors of the National Charter School Conference — you can find us in Booth #501 in the Exhibit Hall. And, our team is presenting at two breakout sessions as well.
The theme of this year’s conference is Educate. Innovate. Engage. The content presented throughout the conference has a strong focus on what makes charter schools unique as well as new solutions to many of the common challenges all charter schools face. With so much going on, the theme will be well represented throughout the dozens of meet-ups, happy hour events and 100+ breakout sessions.
Solving challenges starts with sharing ideas. This year’s conference has a number of learning and networking sessions designed to break away from the traditional presentation model. The conference officially kicks-off on Sunday, June 11, with the Unconference which is a participant-determined and facilitated experience. With no script or agenda, the topics discussed will be solely determined by those attending. Attendees are invited to share what they’re learning with the hashtag #unconfNCSC.
Also happening throughout the conference, Charter Talks are similar to a Ted Talks style of short presentations focused on a big, compelling idea (in this case charter schools), and will be held in the Exhibit Hall during the lunch hour. Informal meetings will also be happening throughout the day, designed to bring together specific groups, such as charter school teachers, school board members and education leaders from different regions.
Keynote sessions will include presentations from Nina Rees, the President and CEO of the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools, Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix and board member of many educational organizations, Dr. Steve Perry, Head of Capital Preparatory Schools, and Luis A. Miranda, Managing Partner of the Mirram Group.
Learn more about the conference and our two breakout sessions on our website. Hope to see you in D.C. Stop by our Booth #501 and say hi!