Dispelling Myths with These Five Charter School Facts
1. Fact: Charter Schools Are Public Schools
Charter schools are tuition-free, independently run public schools and open to all students. They are granted greater flexibility in operations for greater accountability for performance. Their “charter” is a contract detailing the school’s mission, program, the students they serve, performance goals, and methods of assessment.
2. Fact: Charter Schools Serve All Students
Charter schools do not have selective admission requirements. They accept every student who wish to attend, including English Learners, students with special needs, and students of color. Unfortunately, due to the high demand for charter schools, over one million students are currently on wait lists.
3. Fact: Charter Schools Are Accountable
Charter schools are granted more educational flexibility in exchange for higher accountability. They must meet both state and federal education standards as well as rigorous student achievement, financial, and managerial standards to retain their charter.
4. Fact: Charter Schools Are Diverse
Charter schools are incredibly diverse, providing unique learning opportunities for students. Some cater to children with special needs, some to students who require credit recovery, while some have specific educational focusi such as math, science, art, or the performing arts.
5. Fact: Charter Schools Get Results
By meeting students exactly where they are and tailoring the educational experience to their particular needs, charter schools allow kids to reach their full potential. Studies show that charter schools often outperform their district traditional school counterparts. They are also graduating ready for college and careers at higher rates.
Since the company’s inception in 2007, Charter School Capital has been committed to the success of charter schools. We provide growth capital and facilities financing to charter schools nationwide. Our depth of experience working with charter school leaders and our knowledge of how to address charter school financial and operational needs have allowed us to provide over $1.8 billion in support of 600 charter schools that have educated over 1,027,000 students across the country. For more information on how we can support your charter school, contact us. We’d love to work with you!