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Charter School Capital Celebrates National Charter Schools Week

Charter School Capital

May 8, 2014


Charter School CapitalCharter school leaders are today’s entrepreneurs and education innovators. With more than 6,500 charter schools supporting 2.5 million students today, the power of charter school education thrives. Yet more than one million students remain on charter school wait lists across the country. Why? Lack of financial resources is cited most often as the reason many charter schools don’t succeed as charter schools don’t have the same access to capital as traditional school districts. On behalf of the Charter School Capital team, we’re proud to provide funding and services to support charter schools and the educational opportunities they afford students. We commend all charter school edupreneurs during National Charter Schools Week. These charter school leaders are making amazing things happen in education today. Please join us as we celebrate all charter schools, their mission and the leaders who drive education innovation across America.
Stuart Ellis, President & CEO, Charter School Capital

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