Assemblywoman Marie Waldron has introduced AB 1652 on behalf of her constituents in San Diego. AB 1652 attempts to give charter schools with a strong track record a longer renewal period; specifically stating that the first two charter renewals shall be for a period of 5 years and subsequent renewals shall be for a period requested by the charter school not to exceed 15 years. This is a policy change that charter school advocates have requested for a long time. It will provide charter schools greater flexibility and stability over a longer period of time. Including being able to grow and seek facility options knowing that their futures will be secure.
AB 1652 will first be heard in the Assembly Education Committee in a few weeks where it will face opposition from traditional public school advocates. Assemblywoman Waldron has reached out to the charter school community and asked that we assist her in her efforts. So when the hearing nears we will post a draft letter of support that you can use to send into the committee members to demonstrate the difference that this piece of legislation will make to the field.
To see AB 1652, go to the California Legislative Information website.
Photo of Assemblywoman Marie Waldron via her assembly website.