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88th Texas Legislative Session Highlights

Amanda List

May 17, 2023

88th Tx Leg Highlights

Important Updates for Charter Schools in Texas!

To help you get where you’re going, we’re sharing legislative and policy matters that affect the Texas public charter school community. By staying up to date with legislation, you can be empowered to advocate for your school.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. After three sessions of trying, HB 1707, the bill aimed at ending city-level discrimination against public charter schools, has passed the State House with an impressive 101-45 vote. This victory is significant because it sets a positive trajectory for future support.
  2. HB 1707, which would exempt charter schools from local zoning ordinances, has now moved to the Senate Education Committee.
  3. HB 2102, which extends the timeline for charter schools to request new campuses up to 36 months in advance, has passed the House with a vote of 106-39.
  4. Increasing funding for charter school facilities remains a top concern for charter school advocates. Currently, there’s a significant funding gap of $966 per student between charter schools and ISDs, mainly due to facilities funding. HB 100, a bill that enhances school funding for both ISDs and charters, has passed the House. The Senate is now considering what components of the bill they want to keep or change.

Read more about current Texas education legislature here:

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