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Charter School Capital Financing Helps New Designs Stay On Track for Success

Grow Schools, formerly Charter School Capital

February 4, 2019



charter school fundingCharter School Capital Financing Helps New Designs Stay On Track for Success

With so many choices for where go to access financial resources for your school, it’s important to select the right one for you. At Charter School Capital, we believe in the power of charter schools and their leaders to deliver quality education to families across the country. And we’re proud to provide the reliability and stability charter leaders require as they walk their journey to better educate more students today—and in the future.
Please watch and listen as Paul Okaiteye, Chief Executive Director, New Designs Charter School, shares his experience working with Charter School Capital at a very critical time for California schools.
This video was originally published Jul 17, 2014. While we are not currently funding New Designs Schools, we are proud of the way our support helped them meet the needs of their students, parents, and teachers. Our team is dedicated to helping your school become financially stable, successful, and set up for future growth. To learn how other school’s have achieved success by partnering with us, check out our other success stories here and filter by the content type, “School Spotlights”.
Watch the short video to hear Paul’s story and find the transcript below. You can learn more about Charter School Capital here.

New Designs is a charter college preparatory school that is focused on math, science and technology to prepare kids in southern Los Angeles to make sure that by the time students get out of 12th grade at New Designs Charter School, they meet and exceed their requirements for entry into a four year university.
Most of the time when the kids come in, they’re usually two or three grades below where they’re supposed to be. And it takes us to work with them for a year or two—in some cases a little longer to be able to get them to grade level.
We have a fiscal consultant, and he’s the one who first introduced Charter School Capital to us. And it came at a very critical time. It has helped us to stay afloat, to be able to stay in business for our teachers and all the employees to have the confidence that when I go to work I can give my all and know that at the end of the period when I’m supposed to get my check, it will come on time.
So, I would say the Charter School Capital has been a partner to New Designs Charter School. I say that because have gone beyond just giving us money, and to making sure that we can stay in business and they’re also interested in the education aspect of what we do.
Not just in the financial aspect. Anytime I have a question, anything regarding financing with a state or even with any transaction, I’ve had an exceptional response. They’re very professional. They want to get you what you need.
They have been a lifeline because they have come through for us at times when we needed it the most and they have done things that other institutions have not been able to do. And so they have been making sure that the blood keeps flowing through our veins.

Charter School Capital logoSince the company’s inception in 2007, Charter School Capital has been committed to the success of charter schools. We provide growth capital and facilities financing to charter schools nationwide. Our depth of experience working with charter school leaders and our knowledge of how to address charter school financial and operational needs have allowed us to provide over $1.8 billion in support of 600 charter schools that have educated over 1,027,000 students across the country. For more information on how we can support your charter school, contact us. We’d love to work with you!



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