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Story of Inspiration — Mrs. Murolo

Grow Schools, formerly Charter School Capital

October 2, 2017


Here at Charter School Capital, we continue to be blown away by the beautiful submissions for the Stories of Inspiration program. We’ve even had a few incredible stories from members of our own team, like this one from Maralea Lutino, Real Estate Investment Associate at Charter School Capital, about a college professor that taught her that everything she thought she knew should be questioned – including how people learn.As we celebrate Charter School Capital’s 10th year supporting charter schools across the country, we want to give recognition and thanks to the teachers that impact all our lives. So, we want to hear from you – tell us who that teacher is who changed your life and inspired you to be who you are today. Submit your story here.

“…She looked at me and I could tell she was trying not to laugh.  I almost burst into tears.  She put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed.  She said, “There is no right answer.”  She calmly laid my fears to rest and informed me that I could still write my paper, but just from a different point of view.  And just like that, she showed me that knowledge isn’t about having to prove something “right” or “wrong.”  Knowledge isn’t binary…”  Read the full story here.

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